To: Housing Advisory Commission
From: Commissioner Thomas Lord
Subject: Motion to correct officer elections
Date: 1 March 2018


At the February meeting, during the election of officers

  1. The floor was not opened for nominations for Chair.

  2. In lieu of nominations, a motion to appoint Igor Tregub chair was quickly made and seconded.

  3. Without debate, a roll call vote on that motion commenced 16 seconds after the elections were taken up.

  4. The election of Vice Chair followed a somewhat more regular order, but still without discussion or debate.

This Commission operates, loosely, under Roberts Rules of Order. Our elections, minimally, require a nomination period, discussion, a vote to close nominations, and an election.

The advantage to the Commission of following those by-laws is that the Commission is assured an opprtunity to discuss the election before a vote is taken. In this case, the Commission was deprived of that opportunity.

Votes not in accordance to the by-laws, say Roberts Rules, are technically null and void, though such strict interpretation may be hard to make stick, here.


That this Commission hold a brief discussion about our hopes and concerns for the management of the Commission this coming year, and then either take no action or vote to affirm the elections.

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Copyright (C) 2018 Thomas Lord
